Wednesday, July 26, 2017

My Spiritual Journey: Paradise tainted

Sitting on the front steps, cold cement and a breeze coming up the valley. Shivering, pulling my coat tighter.
Summer had faded and we were full swing into fall. I didn't like the end of summer, going back to school, or the weather turning cold. I was not over missing summer, but this was one pleasure that did not escape.
Just about every evening I would be out there on the steps watching the sunset. The mountains were alive with fall colors. That was cool enough, but then the sun would set. It was already below the horizon, and the light created a show that I wanted to see every day. The reds, oranges across the sky, against the backdrop of the mountains filled with fall color, took me back to the rainbow river. For just a moment there, I could feel that old feeling again. By now I recognized it as God. It never said anything, but I knew it was there. 
As night began to overcome the day, the mountains faded to blue and gray. As the stars started to appear,  
People around me, adults mostly, also appreciated the sunset. There was a dark side to this though. I thought they saw what I saw, and that they were enjoying what I was enjoying. 
But they said the things i said were cute. Or they just dismissed at childish imagination. Even worse, sometimes I would get scolded for saying things that were not “correct.” How the heck did I know what “correct” was? How was I supposed to know that? How did they know what was “correct?”
So I didn't talk about it anymore for a very long time.

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