Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Beatitudes: Blessed are the meek

Is this an image of meekness?
               Blessed are the meek,
         for they will inherit the earth. \
Matthew 5:5

In the world there is competition to get ahead. To win someone else has to lose, is often the mindset. The aggressive and powerful rule the day. That is not what Jesus was calling his disciples to though.  People who want to rule the world think highly of themselves and their own strength, they are not poor in spirit, do not mourn and are not meek.

Meek is translated Gentle or Humble in other translations. It is an interesting Greek word that could mean strength with gentleness, but there is no English word that conveys both ideas.

The meek here, are not weak, but they don't have power, and dont rely on their own power. They are not concerned with self, but with God and his kingdom.

The meek have a kind and gentle spirit, because they know their spiritual state and that their value and significance comes from God alone. They realized they were impoverished and without spiritual resources - and became poor in spirit. They mourned, and were comforted. At this point, they are meek, or gentle, because they understand where real strength comes from.

Those that are powerful and strong may rule the world at the moment, but the world will fade away. The meek, or those with a gentle spirit, will be the ones who end up inheriting the earth instead of the powerful and strong.

In Matthew 10:16, it says "The last will be first, and the first will be last."

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