Sunday, July 23, 2017

Beatitudes: Blessed are the peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they will be called children of God.

Matthew 5:9

This should be the goal of a follower of Christ, a peacemaker. This is not someone who takes sides necessarily, but seeks peace. Romans 12:18 says "as much as lieth in us, to live peaceably with all men."

Jesus has made peace between us and God, and we should be a people of peace. If we are peacemakers, we will appear different to the world, and it will get attention. Perhaps that is why it says they will be called children of God. If we are making peace, instead of strife, then people will know we are children of God.
The peacemaker faces issues, and speaks the truth, but still realizes the value of peace. This is not pacifism, but rather, helping others to find a way to have peace. There are solutions to issues, and perhaps working for those is better than having strife.

And we see the Beatitudes building on each other. The pure in heart realizes that God's purpose is much higher than our own, and seeks the kingdom of heaven first - hunger and third for righteousness. It is a natural step from there to be a peacemaker.

This is the first Beatitude as well that is a direct instruction to do something involving other people. All the others have some effect on those around us, but this one is a clear statement of something we should be doing, as the children of God.

From my own application, I can see how I fall short. I get into political arguments. I take sides in that arena, and battle against those I disagree with, or even think negative thoughts about "the other side." I feel poor in spirit because I have failed so much in this area. I wonder what things we could do to be a peacemaker in actual life. I find myself wanting to respond when i see political posts that I think are less than truthful, but, what would a peacemaker do?

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