Monday, July 17, 2017

Beatitudes: blessed are those who mourn

         Blessed are those who mourn,
         for they will be comforted.
Matthew 5:4

The Beatitudes build on each other.  Blessed are the poor in spirit was the first thought, and the second one built on that. If you realize your need, realize your poverty spiritually, and come to God, you will receive the kingdom of God, is the meaning of being poor in spirit. The result of realizing your need should be repentance, or mourning.

So naturally, if we realize our poverty, we will mourn, we will not be comfortable. The result of realizing your need is feeling weak, poor, beaten down.  If all we are is poor in spirit, and we don't move on from there, we will stay in a very bad state.

I realize my poverty, my need spiritually, and i mourn because of that, because of the need. The result is finding comfort. God receives those who come to him with humility - poor in spirit.

There is an emptiness that people feel, a desperation. Sometimes people use drugs, or even good things like music to fill that void. It is said we all have a god-shaped hole in our hearts. It is easy to try to fill that hole with worldly things, but that always ends up disappointing.

Mourning is not fun. Confessing is not fun. Admitting your need isnt either. But there is comfort when you do.

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