Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Working on Christmas Day

There's beauty in the harshness of a cold winter at christmas

Christmas Day, cold and alone at work. That sounds much worse than it is. The emptiness of blank concrete and steel kept cold with a freezing wind chill shows the contrast of the merriment of the season. I wouldn't know one without the other.
The emptiness seems endless at times, but i'm not complaining. The one thing I do want is to be left alone. To just have my thoughts and be at peace. So being cold and alone at work on Christmas is really a good Christmas present. Can't reasonably hope for more than that.
The clouds on the political front are troubling I suppose. Like the clouds today could give us snow. Dark and gloomy. Feels like it could snow but the weatherman isnt sending any.
Old timers used to say my generation was the end of civilization, and now we say the same. Those same clouds that gave us snow years ago, don't give us anything today.
Are we at the end or is it just another empty cloudy day. Only time will tell. I can say it seems more real now, but I guess that's what my grandparents said 50 years ago.
It is easy to get caught up in the finger wagging, tongue lashing, emotional baggage of moaning and groaning about the state of the world. Its just an emotional game to get us upset and to ignore a greater travesty.
Of course no one wants to work on Christmas, but the lot fell to me and so it goes. I didn't care too much this year. Somehow I just never got into the Christmas spirit. I didn't go to any music or performances of any kind, and to maybe only one lights display. But the holiday spirit – the reason for the season – lives in my heart and mind.
Today more than others I see how the attitude affects reality, or how the emotional state confirms or denies the reality that exists. Its easy to write with passion when I feel the blues. Somehow its harder when life is good.
Remembering ghosts of Christmas past, the story never gets old. Missing the snow that used to cover the pine trees at home, but home isnt there anymore. The snow isn't either, so times have changed.
It is still cold though, never did even get up to freezing today, so it's probably still in the 20s.
A slight breeze made it worse at times, tried to keep my back to the north.
The end of the day comes as the sun sinks in the west. Another Christmas Day is gone. Gathering my things and heading home. Another day in paradise lost. The dark clouds are threatening. I smile. Thanks, but not today my old friend. Bring your darkness back another time.

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