Friday, November 4, 2016

Rambling thoughts on the election

Political polls show that few people really like either of the two main candidates. Nearly 40 percent of the people on both sides are voting for their choice just to stop the other one from getting in. The majority of voters on both sides are voting against someone rather than for someone. The two main candidates have not gathered admiration or even respect in most quarters. Ive not actually heard anyone say "I like him," or "I like her."

It is also true that they rarely talk about actual ideas or plans to improve things. There are people who try to make one seem to be the "Christian" choice. You have to ignore a whole lot of baggage to make that claim. You basically have to say my candidate's sins don't matter but the other side's sins do matter. Jesus had some choice words for this type attitude - and hypocrisy and den of thieves comes to mind.

There are also those that say Republicans are against abortion, and therefore a vote for them is a vote against abortion - which generally is a "christian" position to take. The only problem with that, is when the Republicans were in power, they did nothing about abortion. In 2000 Republicans held the Presidency, Congress, the Senate, and a majority of the Supreme Court justices were conservative. It was a perfect storm. The issue never even came up. Why should we believe them now, especially when it has not been very significant in the campaign rhetoric?

There are other issues, or should be. Things that are Biblical, like social justice and taking care of poor people. Healthcare is another issue that should matter, as well as the economy in that there are policies that are more fair than others.

There are I suppose reasons to vote for either candidate, and you really are voting for a political party more than in individual. That isn't such a good thing either, but that is where we find ourselves.

But realize, no political party will "save" us. No political party will bring about the Kingdom of God, nor will any political party actually be righteous.  God is not sitting up in Heaven worrying about who we are going to elect. God already knows, and it will fit perfectly into his overall plan for the universe.

I think a more pertinent question would be to consider what is God telling us. Certainly God can raise up leaders, and we see our choices. But these are choices we have chosen as well. Is it not a comment on our culture that we have two candidates that basically no one likes?

     Proverbs 19: 21      Many are the plans in a man’s heart,
         but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.