Thursday, August 6, 2015

Knowing the Bible or knowing God

Much as I love the scriptures, I never want the scriptures to become an idol, or something that is equal to God. There is a verse in John the got my attention on this. Jesus tells the Pharisees he knows they study the scriptures, those that talk about him, but they wont come to him.

The scriptures are very important. Even so, God is more important, and our relationship with God is more important. Here is a short article I wrote some time back.

Knowing the bible or Knowing God?

"You study the scriptures diligently, because you think in them you have eternal life. These are the scriptures that testify of me. Yet you refuse to come to me to have life." John 5:39-40
I often say I like Bob Dylan. I have even said I love Bob Dylan. The truth is, I don't know Bob Dylan and probably never will. He does not know me either. What I mean when I say that, is I love his music, his songs.
I know a lot of his songs, the lyrics, and even enough about him to understand some the hidden images in his poetry. There are not many of his songs I have not heard, and I can recite all the lyrics to several of his pieces.
They do strike a chord within me because he says things I would say if I had the poetic ability. He says things that express what I feel, which could give the misguided idea that somehow we are connected. It would be very difficult to know him.
He is a secretive person to start with, and has layers of protections to keep his fans from even knowing for sure where he lives. Even if I tried, I would have a tough time getting to know him. But I can know his music and poetry inside out, and can enjoy it anytime.
Many of us Christians say we love the bible, because we say it is the word of God. It is a very important book - the only physical evidence of God's thoughts.
The Pharisees of Jesus' day were experts in the scriptures. They knew the scriptures better than anyone, and had much of it memorized. Yet they fought with Jesus. They did not understand him. He violated their understanding of the scriptures, but not the scriptures themselves.
God was standing before them in the flesh, but they did not recognize him. The knew the book, but did not know the author.
How can we avoid being more involved with the book than the author of the book?
How can you get to know the author of the bible?